Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Steve Lack at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 12 June
    Generalized multicategories and change-of-base
  • 3 July
    ⤳ from 12 June
  • 28 August
    T-categories, T-simplicial structure, and horizontal units
  • 20 April
    Normal isofibrations, split idempotents, and 2-categorical infinity-cosmoi
  • 7 October
    Polynomials, biproducts, and wreaths
  • 13 Feburary
    Hopf structures, hyperplanes, and bands
  • 17 April
    Weak adjoint functor theorems (abs)
  • 29 May
    Sketching quasivarieties
  • 31 July
    Ambrose-Palais-Singer theorem for tangent categories
  • 14 August
    ⤳ from 31 July
  • 14 Feburary
    Species, convolution, and bimonoidal structure (abs)
  • 28 March
    Legitimizing operadic categories (abs)
  • 9 May
    Internal homs of monads (abs)
  • 1 Feburary
    Braidings on skew monoidal categories (abs)
  • 8 March
    Coherence for skew monoidal categories, revisited (abs)
  • 17 May
    Combinatorial models for associahedra (abs)
  • 27 September
    Cobraidings for monoidal comonads (abs)
  • 3 Feburary
    An example of skew reflection involving representations of bialgebroids
  • 22 June
    A microcosm for opmonoidal monads
  • 13 July
    Du Pareigis
  • 17 August
    (Generalized) operadic categories, skew monoidal categories, and comprehensive factorization
  • 31 August
    Universal properties of slice constructions
  • 25 March
    The Catalan simplicial set strikes again
  • 8 April
    Skew collages
  • 22 April
    Another Catalan simplicial set
  • 15 July
    Hochschild cohomology and paracyclic structures
  • 22 July
    ⤳ from 15 July
  • 5 August
    Pseudo-commutativity d'apres Bourke
  • 12 Feburary
    Combinatorial categorical equivalences
  • 2 April
    Skew aspects of operads
  • 23 April
    Further skew aspects of operads
  • 22 October
    Multiplier bialgebras in braided monoidal categories
  • 27 Feburary
    Coherence for skew monoidal categories
  • 27 March
    The Catalan simplicial set
  • 5 June
    Quasialgebraic aspects of topology
  • 31 July
    The no-iteration approach to monads, and its bicategorical and skew variants
  • 7 August
    Right normalization of skew monoidal categories, with applications to monads
  • 16 October
    Quantum matrices and *-autonomy
  • 20 November
    Torsion-free subcategories of semiabelian categories
  • 27 November
    ⤳ from 20 November
  • 23 May
    The relational approach to exactness conditions
  • 6 June
    The skew approach to quantum categories
  • 4 July
    Skew Eckmann-Hilton
  • 11 July
    A simplicial approach to skewing
  • 1 August
    ⤳ from 11 July
  • 15 August
    Two constructions in Morita theory
  • 19 September
    Recognizing lax morphism classifiers
  • 7 November
    Coherence for skew monoidal categories: first steps
  • 18 May
    Embedding theorems for adhesive and quasiadhesive categories
  • 1 June
    Grothendieck quasitoposes
  • 19 October
    Homology and homotopy for symmetric cat-groups
  • 2 November
    Induced representations, exactness, and Hopf monads
  • 16 November
    Induced representations, décalage and comprehensive factorisation
  • 21 April
    Yet another approach to modules over a bialgebra
  • 5 May
  • 19 May
    Presentations for monads
  • 2 June
    Playing with ordinals
  • 4 August
    Theories, theories, and theories
  • 25 August
    Accessibitly and purity in enriched and unenriched contexts
  • 8 September
    Weakly locally presentable 2-categories
  • 22 September
    The 2-category of weak distributive laws
  • 27 October
    Tensor products of chain complexes and the Dold-Kan correspondence
  • 11 March
    A Quillen model structure for Gray-categories
  • 25 March
    Gray-categories, Gray-groupoids, and homotopy 3-types (abs)
  • 1 April
    Weak world
  • 15 April
    Return to weak world
  • 6 May
    Opmonoidal monads
  • 13 May
    Multicategories, hom-multicategories, and more
  • 30 September
    Enriched weakness
  • 7 October
    ⤳ from 30 September
  • 21 October
    Normality, separability, and weakness
  • 2 December
    Non-canonical isomorphisms
  • 13 Feburary
    Free monoids (abs)
  • 21 May
    Limits for weak morphisms (abs)
  • 4 June
    ⤳ from 21 May
  • 11 June
    ⤳ from 4 June
  • 3 September
    Clubs, wreaths, and ordinals
  • 24 September
    How to smash trees
  • 8 October
    Multitudes of trees
  • 28 Feburary
    Notions of Lawvere theory
  • 4 April
    Density presentations
  • 15 Feburary
    Centres and derivations
  • 1 March
    Stricts, costricts, and icons
  • 15 March
    2-nerves of bicategories (abs)
  • 12 April
    ⤳ from 15 March
  • 9 August
    Homotopy-theoretic aspects of 2-monads (abs)
  • 13 December
    Bicat is not triequivalent to Gray (abs)
  • 9 Feburary
    Comonads, corings, and collages
  • 16 March
    Traces, duals, and composition
  • 29 June
    Comonads, restriction categories, and generalized partial maps
  • 9 November
    Dold-Kan, internal categories, and polyads
  • 14 December
    Enrichment through partiality
  • 21 April
    Pure ribbons and reversible operads
  • 12 May
    Pure-braided monoidal categories
  • 28 July
    Report on CT04
  • 18 August
    Twisted modules and crossed braidings
  • 1 September
    Restriction theories
  • 27 October
    Lax morphisms, oplax limits, and double categories (abs)
  • 10 November
    Quasiadhesive categories
  • 17 November
    Colimit completions, flat functors, and connected G-sets
  • 26 March
    Properness of factorization systems in the enriched and bicategorical contexts (abs)
  • 4 June
    A Quillen model structure for bicategories (abs)
  • 13 August
    Composing PROPs (abs)
  • 10 September
    Operads, algebras, modules, and crossed modules
  • 8 October
    Van Kampen squares and adhesive categories (abs)
  • 29 October
    Internal categories in the protomodular and operadic contexts
  • 19 November
    More on internal categories in the operadic context (abs)
  • 26 November
    Finite limit structures in monoidal categories (abs)
  • 13 Feburary
    Homotopy theory in 2-categories; homotopy theory of 2-monads
  • 17 April
    The real van Kampen theorem for toposes (abs)
  • 22 May
    Partial functions, matrices, and extensivity
  • 19 June
    Pointing a category
  • 7 March
    V-Cat is nice when V is (abs)
  • 16 May
    A Quillen model structure for 2-categories (abs)
  • 4 July
    Symmetric spectra (abs)
  • 1 August
    Limits for partial map categories
  • 26 September
    A Quillen model structure for V-categories
  • 7 November
    Extensivity for 2-categories (abs)
  • 14 November
    ⤳ from 7 November
  • 29 March
    More on extended distributive laws (abs)
  • 12 April
    The gaucho approach to coherence
  • 1 November
    Codescent objects and coherence (abs)
  • 8 November
    Entity/attribute sketches
  • 27 January
    On the monadicity of enriched categories with chosen colimits (abs)
  • 31 March
    ⤳ from 2 September 1998
  • 26 May
    When do completion processes give rise to extensive categories? (abs)
  • 1 September
    Pseudo-actions of braid monoids (d'après Deligne) (abs)
  • 15 September
    More on contractilbe presentations
  • 27 October
    When small limits of small functors are small
  • 21 January
    On the monadicity of categories with chosen weighted limits (abs)
  • 15 April
    Free cocompletions (abs)
  • 6 May
    Lax morphisms and limits (abs)
  • 8 July
    Cofinite sieves and free restriction categories (abs)
  • 2 September
    Meditation on pseudomonads (abs)
  • 4 November
    Exact completions of regular categories (abs)
  • 29 January
    Hopf algebras and combinatorics (abs)
  • 12 Feburary
    Lax World (abs)
  • 26 Feburary
    Dynamic Evaluation (abs)
  • 9 April
    On property-like structures (abs)
  • 30 April
    On the monadicity of finitary monads (abs)
  • 28 May
    Plus-constructions I have known (abs)
  • 2 July
    The extensive reflection of a distributive category (abs)
  • 10 September
    On the general coherence result of Power (abs)
  • 8 October
    Van Kampen squares, pushouts, and retract equivalences
  • 5 November
    A general notion of operad
  • 14 August
    Categories of fractions and infinitary structures (abs)
  • 23 October
    The world of Chu according to Pavlovic (abs)
  • 30 October
    U_q(sl(2)), SL_q(2), and duality for Hopf algebras (abs)
  • 13 November
    One construction on lax functors (abs)
  • 27 November
    The free T-category on a T-graph (abs)