Australian Category Seminar
Here is a list of all talks by Ross Street at the Australian Category Seminar.
12 Feburary
Polynomials via completions of parametrized categories
15 May
Objective Mackey and Tambara functors
8 Feburary
Wood fusion for closed comonads
13 December
Wood fusion for magmal comonads
16 Feburary
Report on the book: "Mackey 2-Functors and Mackey 2-Motives" by Balmer and Dell'Ambrogio
22 June
Monoidal centres and groupoid-graded categories
13 July
Thoughts on the paper “Generic representation theory of finite fields in nondescribing characteristic” by N.J. Kuhn
7 September
The groupoid core can suffice
3 March
Variations on a comprehensive theme
24 November
Two sides to every storey
26 Feburary
Examples of abstracted polynomials, and Kleisli bicategories
6 May
The nucleus of an adjunction
1 July
The monoidal centre for group-graded categories
9 September
More on fake pullbacks
13 Feburary
Polynomic thoughts
27 Feburary
⤳ from 13 Feburary
23 May
Polynomic rethink
19 June
Spans, Relations, and all that
2 October
The free dual pair
4 April
Polynomials of various hues
30 May
The Burau representation extended to tangles
12 September
Reminiscing on [5]
10 October
Parcels (joint with Branko Nikolic)
14 November
The scarcity of vector product algebras
12 December
Composition algebras
11 January
Local convolution and $\mathbf{MonCat}$-bicategories
1 Feburary
Toil and trouble with Drinfeld's double
8 March
Real sets
15 March
Series monoidal categories and Zeno functors
24 May
Quadratic forms as complete invariants for autonomous braided monoidal groupoids
5 July
Cauchy completeness for DG-categories
12 July
⤳ from 5 July
9 August
Raising Cauchy through a comonadic base change
3 Feburary
Wreath convolution
6 April
Mixed wreaths
25 May
Monoidal twisted coactions
5 October
Reminder on Kock-Zoberlein monads
14 January
A factorization for closed functors
4 Feburary
Weighted convolution of Joyal species, and related concepts
18 Feburary
⤳ from 4 Feburary
6 May
A skew view of lax algebras
1 July
The free mixed distributive law
15 July
Tambara's work on finite categories
22 July
⤳ from 15 July
16 December
The twisted arrow category
5 Feburary
A setting for some equivalences of additive presheaf categories
19 Feburary
Even more on combinatorial categorical equivalences
14 May
Comparison of adjunctions between free cocompletions
27 August
Skew reflections
8 October
12 November
A monoidal miscellany
22 May
Flocks askew
19 June
14 August
Pointwise extensions in bicategories
21 August
Limit sketches in bicategories
11 September
The Davydov-Runkel BMC alternative
23 October
An equivalence of categories relevant to combinatorics and representation theory
6 November
Morita equivalence of strong epimorphisms and partial maps
11 December
29 Feburary
Pointwise left extensions inside 2-categories
14 March
More on internal full subcategories
21 March
Quantum categories following Kornel Szlachanyi (arXiv:1201.4981v1)
18 April
⤳ from 21 March
13 June
Skew-promonoidal categories
1 August
Skew-monoidal 2-functors
12 September
On Appendix 2 of Brian Day's PhD Thesis
14 November
Oriented simplexes and the Tamari lattice
28 November
Another tilt at free skew-monoidal categories
9 Feburary
Monoidal monoidal thoughts
2 March
Remarks on the work of Davydov
16 March
6 April
Aspects of duoidal categories
6 July
Remarks on cartesian morphisms
28 September
Well-formed words
2 November
Back to normality
9 November
Hopf bimonoids in duoidal categories
7 December
Categories in categories
14 December
⤳ from 7 December
21 December
⤳ from 14 December
31 March
Drinfeld's approach to geometric realization
21 April
Recollections on DG-categories
14 July
Enrichment of Hirata's Morita theory (with Tom Booker)
21 July
Simple Roots Of Separability
11 August
Separable enriched categories and their modules
17 November
Trace à la arXiv:1010.4527v1
21 January
Weak distributive laws
4 Feburary
Some observations about monads such as doctrinal adjunction, Hopf monads, and weak distributive laws
6 May
Powerful morphisms, comprehensive factorization, and torsors
13 May
⤳ from 6 May
29 July
Elementary results on torsors
5 August
Remarks on the Day reflection theorem
9 September
Flocks: some more on torsors
2 April
Quantum presheaves
9 April
⤳ from 2 April
14 May
Lax adjunction
28 May
Double categories for better or worse
17 September
Separable functors, Yang-Baxter operators, and bimonoids
1 October
Bimonoidal and separable monoidal functors
8 October
Bicategories of modules
12 November
Filtered colimits and other concepts
17 January
Another category of G-sets
17 January
Doubles for monoidal categories
2 May
Comonads and *-autonomy
9 May
Hom lifting
8 August
More work based on Tambara's
15 August
Fine tuning on last week's talk
29 August
Localizations; centres and doubles
5 April
*-Autonomy for the category of Mackey functors
3 May
Autonomous categories, autonomous bicategories, and quantum modules
9 August
Some remarks on 'When Hopf algebras are Frobenius algebras', a paper of Bodo Pareigis
4 October
Weak bimonoids in braided monoidal categories
1 November
Kan extensions in basic group representation theory
5 January
Promonoidal braiding and centre
12 January
⤳ from 5 January
23 Feburary
Lax braidings and lax centres
30 March
Frobenius algebras and quantum groupoids
25 May
Higher adjoint equivalences
15 June
Convolution-enriched categories and centre
21 September
Comodules and coproduct decomposition
16 November
What is the Cauchy completion of a monoidal functor?
7 December
Centres of localization
21 January
Frobenius algebras and pseudo-algebras
28 January
Frobenius equals star-autonomous
18 Feburary
Convolution and actegories
17 March
G-sets and V-actegories as enriched categories
7 April
Cauchy completion, centres, and Frobenius algebras
4 August
String diagrams for monoidal categories
15 September
Monoids and things monoidal
22 September
Elementary category theory
10 November
Functors between categories of G-sets
17 November
Application of the special adjoint functor theorem
15 December
The lax centre for cartesian presheaf categories
15 January
⤳ from 27 November 2002
5 March
Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent theory
12 March
⤳ from 5 March
19 March
Weak orientals and the simplicial nerve of a weak n-category
26 March
The monoidal centre as a limit
7 May
Filtered, percolated or espresso?
20 August
A more explicit description of quantum groupoids
3 September
⤳ from 20 August
1 October
Update on the efficient construction of real numbers
22 October
Objective numbers
3 December
Categorically less radical radicals
20 Feburary
Remarks on the simplicial categories
17 April
Roots of unity as a Lie algebra II
12 June
Modules for substitudes
19 June
A collage of odds and coends related to operads
14 August
A factorization system inter alia pertaining to descent
28 August
A need for descent in variable bicategories
30 October
Even more braidings
20 November
Quantum groupoids, modules and star-autonomy
27 November
⤳ from 20 November
24 January
Extraordinary stuff for the antipodes
31 January
14 Feburary
Autonomous monoidal functors and their categorification
14 March
More on autonomous pseudomonoids
2 May
Lax monoids and convolutions
5 September
Weak ω-categories
12 September
17 October
More on lax monoids
7 November
Roots of unity as a Lie algebra
23 Feburary
Monads and extended distributive laws
8 March
Multicategories and operads in Cat-operads
17 May
Duality for finite groups
9 August
Batanin-Joyal higher categories without trees (Deforestation for a global village)
23 August
Berger's homogeneous theory structure on Joyal's category Θ
30 August
On the cellular nerves of ω-categories
27 September
Yang-Baxter operators on monoids
13 January
Cohomology of groups
21 April
Categories enriched on two sides
23 June
The formal theory of monads revisited
25 August
Oh no! Not even weaker 3-categories!
8 September
Cohomology with coefficients in a category
27 October
From modules to accessible functors
17 November
An extension of Grothendieck's semidirect/wreath product construction arising from enriched category theory
4 Feburary
A braiding for Pointed Groups
11 March
Operads without numbers
13 May
Analytic functors on globular sets
3 June
Internal categories
17 June
The naturality of twist
22 July
The chain rule
28 October
Morita Rivista
18 November
Long modules, half-Long modules, and the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation
15 January
Holiday thoughts on Tannaka duality
22 January
The Charade Braid
19 March
The higher operads of Michael Batanin
9 April
Zen from three conferences
14 May
Finite coproducts in variable categories
18 June
Parenthetic remarks
25 June
Footnote to parenthetic remarks
31 July
More on the Quantum Double
21 August
Coming to terms with opcategories
28 August
⤳ from 21 August
9 October
The Chu Construction
13 November
Fusion operators as generalised Hopf structures
4 December
Transfer of limits across functors
18 December
Group Cohomology
19 March
Some parametrized categorical concepts I
2 April
A Letter From Max To Ross, McGill 15/3/86
16 April
Some Parametrized Categorical Concepts II
23 April
Some Parametrized Concepts III
28 May
Braided monoidal categories
9 June
Why there are no loops
18 June
Some remarks on group cohomology
6 October
Paré on tripleability of Compact Hausdorff Spaces