Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Ross Street at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 15 May
    Objective Mackey and Tambara functors (abs)
  • 8 Feburary
    Wood fusion for closed comonads (abs)
  • 13 December
    Wood fusion for magmal comonads (abs)
  • 16 Feburary
    Report on the book: "Mackey 2-Functors and Mackey 2-Motives" by Balmer and Dell'Ambrogio (abs)
  • 22 June
    Monoidal centres and groupoid-graded categories (abs)
  • 13 July
    Thoughts on the paper “Generic representation theory of finite fields in nondescribing characteristic” by N.J. Kuhn (abs)
  • 7 September
    The groupoid core can suffice (abs)
  • 3 March
    Variations on a comprehensive theme (abs)
  • 24 November
    Two sides to every storey (abs)
  • 26 Feburary
    Examples of abstracted polynomials, and Kleisli bicategories (abs)
  • 6 May
    The nucleus of an adjunction (abs)
  • 1 July
    The monoidal centre for group-graded categories (abs)
  • 9 September
    More on fake pullbacks (abs)
  • 13 Feburary
    Polynomic thoughts (abs)
  • 27 Feburary
    ⤳ from 13 Feburary
  • 23 May
    Polynomic rethink (abs)
  • 19 June
    Spans, Relations, and all that (abs)
  • 2 October
    The free dual pair (abs)
  • 4 April
    Polynomials of various hues (abs)
  • 30 May
    The Burau representation extended to tangles (abs)
  • 12 September
    Reminiscing on [5] (abs)
  • 10 October
    Parcels (joint with Branko Nikolic) (abs)
  • 14 November
    The scarcity of vector product algebras (abs)
  • 12 December
    Composition algebras (abs)
  • 11 January
    Local convolution and $\mathbf{MonCat}$-bicategories
  • 1 Feburary
    Toil and trouble with Drinfeld's double
  • 8 March
    Real sets (abs)
  • 15 March
    Series monoidal categories and Zeno functors (abs)
  • 24 May
    Quadratic forms as complete invariants for autonomous braided monoidal groupoids (abs)
  • 5 July
    Cauchy completeness for DG-categories (abs)
  • 12 July
    ⤳ from 5 July (abs)
  • 9 August
    Raising Cauchy through a comonadic base change (abs)
  • 3 Feburary
    Wreath convolution
  • 6 April
    Mixed wreaths
  • 25 May
    Monoidal twisted coactions
  • 5 October
    Reminder on Kock-Zoberlein monads
  • 14 January
    A factorization for closed functors
  • 4 Feburary
    Weighted convolution of Joyal species, and related concepts
  • 18 Feburary
    ⤳ from 4 Feburary
  • 6 May
    A skew view of lax algebras
  • 1 July
    The free mixed distributive law
  • 15 July
    Tambara's work on finite categories
  • 22 July
    ⤳ from 15 July
  • 16 December
    The twisted arrow category
  • 5 Feburary
    A setting for some equivalences of additive presheaf categories
  • 19 Feburary
    Even more on combinatorial categorical equivalences
  • 14 May
    Comparison of adjunctions between free cocompletions
  • 27 August
    Skew reflections
  • 8 October
  • 12 November
    A monoidal miscellany
  • 22 May
    Flocks askew
  • 19 June
  • 14 August
    Pointwise extensions in bicategories
  • 21 August
    Limit sketches in bicategories
  • 11 September
    The Davydov-Runkel BMC alternative (abs)
  • 23 October
    An equivalence of categories relevant to combinatorics and representation theory (abs)
  • 6 November
    Morita equivalence of strong epimorphisms and partial maps
  • 11 December
  • 29 Feburary
    Pointwise left extensions inside 2-categories (abs)
  • 14 March
    More on internal full subcategories (abs)
  • 21 March
    Quantum categories following Kornel Szlachanyi (arXiv:1201.4981v1) (abs)
  • 18 April
    ⤳ from 21 March
  • 13 June
    Skew-promonoidal categories (abs)
  • 1 August
    Skew-monoidal 2-functors
  • 12 September
    On Appendix 2 of Brian Day's PhD Thesis (abs)
  • 14 November
    Oriented simplexes and the Tamari lattice
  • 28 November
    Another tilt at free skew-monoidal categories
  • 9 Feburary
    Monoidal monoidal thoughts
  • 2 March
    Remarks on the work of Davydov
  • 16 March
  • 6 April
    Aspects of duoidal categories
  • 6 July
    Remarks on cartesian morphisms
  • 28 September
    Well-formed words
  • 2 November
    Back to normality
  • 9 November
    Hopf bimonoids in duoidal categories
  • 7 December
    Categories in categories (abs)
  • 14 December
    ⤳ from 7 December
  • 21 December
    ⤳ from 14 December
  • 31 March
    Drinfeld's approach to geometric realization (abs)
  • 21 April
    Recollections on DG-categories
  • 14 July
    Enrichment of Hirata's Morita theory (with Tom Booker) (abs)
  • 21 July
    Simple Roots Of Separability
  • 11 August
    Separable enriched categories and their modules
  • 17 November
    Trace à la arXiv:1010.4527v1
  • 21 January
    Weak distributive laws
  • 4 Feburary
    Some observations about monads such as doctrinal adjunction, Hopf monads, and weak distributive laws
  • 6 May
    Powerful morphisms, comprehensive factorization, and torsors
  • 13 May
    ⤳ from 6 May
  • 29 July
    Elementary results on torsors
  • 5 August
    Remarks on the Day reflection theorem
  • 9 September
    Flocks: some more on torsors
  • 2 April
    Quantum presheaves
  • 9 April
    ⤳ from 2 April
  • 14 May
    Lax adjunction
  • 28 May
    Double categories for better or worse
  • 17 September
    Separable functors, Yang-Baxter operators, and bimonoids
  • 1 October
    Bimonoidal and separable monoidal functors
  • 8 October
    Bicategories of modules
  • 12 November
    Filtered colimits and other concepts
  • 17 January
    Another category of G-sets
  • 17 January
    Doubles for monoidal categories
  • 2 May
    Comonads and *-autonomy
  • 9 May
    Hom lifting
  • 8 August
    More work based on Tambara's
  • 15 August
    Fine tuning on last week's talk
  • 29 August
    Localizations; centres and doubles
  • 5 April
    *-Autonomy for the category of Mackey functors
  • 3 May
    Autonomous categories, autonomous bicategories, and quantum modules
  • 9 August
    Some remarks on 'When Hopf algebras are Frobenius algebras', a paper of Bodo Pareigis
  • 4 October
    Weak bimonoids in braided monoidal categories
  • 1 November
    Kan extensions in basic group representation theory
  • 5 January
    Promonoidal braiding and centre
  • 12 January
    ⤳ from 5 January
  • 23 Feburary
    Lax braidings and lax centres
  • 30 March
    Frobenius algebras and quantum groupoids
  • 25 May
    Higher adjoint equivalences
  • 15 June
    Convolution-enriched categories and centre
  • 21 September
    Comodules and coproduct decomposition (abs)
  • 16 November
    What is the Cauchy completion of a monoidal functor?
  • 7 December
    Centres of localization
  • 21 January
    Frobenius algebras and pseudo-algebras (abs)
  • 28 January
    Frobenius equals star-autonomous (abs)
  • 18 Feburary
    Convolution and actegories
  • 17 March
    G-sets and V-actegories as enriched categories
  • 7 April
    Cauchy completion, centres, and Frobenius algebras
  • 4 August
    String diagrams for monoidal categories
  • 15 September
    Monoids and things monoidal
  • 22 September
    Elementary category theory
  • 10 November
    Functors between categories of G-sets
  • 17 November
    Application of the special adjoint functor theorem
  • 15 December
    The lax centre for cartesian presheaf categories
  • 15 January
    ⤳ from 27 November 2002
  • 5 March
    Categorical and combinatorial aspects of descent theory (abs)
  • 12 March
    ⤳ from 5 March
  • 19 March
    Weak orientals and the simplicial nerve of a weak n-category
  • 26 March
    The monoidal centre as a limit (abs)
  • 7 May
    Filtered, percolated or espresso?
  • 20 August
    A more explicit description of quantum groupoids
  • 3 September
    ⤳ from 20 August
  • 1 October
    Update on the efficient construction of real numbers
  • 22 October
    Objective numbers
  • 3 December
    Categorically less radical radicals
  • 20 Feburary
    Remarks on the simplicial categories
  • 17 April
    Roots of unity as a Lie algebra II
  • 12 June
    Modules for substitudes (abs)
  • 19 June
    A collage of odds and coends related to operads
  • 14 August
    A factorization system inter alia pertaining to descent (abs)
  • 28 August
    A need for descent in variable bicategories
  • 30 October
    Even more braidings (abs)
  • 20 November
    Quantum groupoids, modules and star-autonomy (abs)
  • 27 November
    ⤳ from 20 November
  • 24 January
    Extraordinary stuff for the antipodes (abs)
  • 31 January
    New PROPS and 2-PROPS
  • 14 Feburary
    Autonomous monoidal functors and their categorification
  • 14 March
    More on autonomous pseudomonoids
  • 2 May
    Lax monoids and convolutions
  • 5 September
    Weak ω-categories (abs)
  • 12 September
  • 17 October
    More on lax monoids (abs)
  • 7 November
    Roots of unity as a Lie algebra (abs)
  • 23 Feburary
    Monads and extended distributive laws (abs)
  • 8 March
    Multicategories and operads in Cat-operads (abs)
  • 17 May
    Duality for finite groups
  • 9 August
    Batanin-Joyal higher categories without trees (Deforestation for a global village)
  • 23 August
    Berger's homogeneous theory structure on Joyal's category Θ
  • 30 August
    On the cellular nerves of ω-categories
  • 27 September
    Yang-Baxter operators on monoids
  • 13 January
    Cohomology of groups
  • 21 April
    Categories enriched on two sides
  • 23 June
    The formal theory of monads revisited
  • 25 August
    Oh no! Not even weaker 3-categories!
  • 8 September
    Cohomology with coefficients in a category
  • 27 October
    From modules to accessible functors
  • 17 November
    An extension of Grothendieck's semidirect/wreath product construction arising from enriched category theory (abs)
  • 4 Feburary
    A braiding for Pointed Groups (abs)
  • 11 March
    Operads without numbers (abs)
  • 13 May
    Analytic functors on globular sets
  • 3 June
    Internal categories (abs)
  • 17 June
    The naturality of twist (abs)
  • 22 July
    The chain rule
  • 28 October
    Morita Rivista (abs)
  • 18 November
    Long modules, half-Long modules, and the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation
  • 15 January
    Holiday thoughts on Tannaka duality (abs)
  • 22 January
    The Charade Braid
  • 19 March
    The higher operads of Michael Batanin (abs)
  • 9 April
    Zen from three conferences (abs)
  • 14 May
    Finite coproducts in variable categories (abs)
  • 18 June
    Parenthetic remarks (abs)
  • 25 June
    Footnote to parenthetic remarks
  • 31 July
    More on the Quantum Double (abs)
  • 21 August
    Coming to terms with opcategories (abs)
  • 28 August
    ⤳ from 21 August
  • 9 October
    The Chu Construction (abs)
  • 13 November
    Fusion operators as generalised Hopf structures (abs)
  • 4 December
    Transfer of limits across functors (abs)
  • 18 December
    Group Cohomology
  • 19 March
    Some parametrized categorical concepts I (abs)
  • 2 April
    A Letter From Max To Ross, McGill 15/3/86 (abs)
  • 16 April
    Some Parametrized Categorical Concepts II (abs)
  • 23 April
    Some Parametrized Concepts III (abs)
  • 28 May
    Braided monoidal categories (abs)
  • 9 June
    Why there are no loops (abs)
  • 18 June
    Some remarks on group cohomology (abs)
  • 6 October
    Paré on tripleability of Compact Hausdorff Spaces