Australian Category Seminar

Why there are no loops

Ross Street·9 June 1986

Let M be the endomorphism monoid of 2 in Cat. Then the category of right M-sets is the category of graphs (directed, with chosen endo-edges at each vertex). Let ω={0,1,2,}\omega = \{0,1,2,\dots\} as an ordered set. Call α ⁣:ωω\alpha \colon \omega \to \omega in Cat eventually consecutive when there exists kk such that α(i+1)=α(i)+1\alpha(i + 1) = \alpha(i) + 1 for all i>ki>k. Let Δ\Delta denote the monoid of eventually constant α ⁣:ωω\alpha \colon \omega \to \omega under composition. The category of right Δ\Delta-sets is essentially the category of simplicial sets: there can be some infinite dimension cells. (This was not the main point of the lecture.) The remainder of the lecture described OnO_n, giving some technicalities as to why no loops occur.
