Australian Category Seminar

Montreal's progress in weak categories (notes on Joyal's and Hermida's talks and Joyal-Street's conversations) (1/2)

Michael Batanin·22 October 1997

This talk was based on my impressions of the Montreal conference in September 1997 (Billfest), especially the talks and conversations about higher dimensional category theory. So there were 3 subjects I was talking about: The categories of disks and trees of A.Joyal. The category BigΩ as proposed by R.Street. The result is: Bigω is the generic monoidal globular category containing a globular monoid. C.Hermida's construction of a bicategory Span_H ( where H is a shape or cartesian monad ) and how to get the higher order operads in my sense from this construction (this result was obtained in the conversations of A.Joyal and R.Street and independently by T.Leinster).
