Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Michael Batanin at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 3 August
    Distributive operadic categories (abs)
  • 3 April
    An explicit E_n-action on total complex of (n-1)-commutative monoid (abs)
  • 10 April
    ⤳ from 3 April
  • 5 June
    Explicit Poisson bracket on total complex of n-commutative cosimplicial monoid (abs)
  • 11 December
    Comparing Feynman and Operadic categories (abs)
  • 28 Feburary
    Graphs as an operadic category
  • 20 June
    W-locally constant functors and localisation of operads (abs)
  • 22 August
    Presheaves of polynomial monads and Thomason's theorem (abs)
  • 5 December
    Localization of substitudes
  • 15 March
    Mapping spaces and internal algebra classifiers (abs)
  • 29 March
    Quillen equivalences between categories of algebras (abs)
  • 2 August
    Internal algebras classifiers of polynomial monads and homotopy pushouts (abs)
  • 27 July
    Comprehensive factorization for operadic categories
  • 7 September
    Cosimplicial monoids, E_n-algebras and Davydov-Yetter cohomology
  • 25 Feburary
    Model structures on algebras of operads
  • 12 March
    Operadic categories and duoidal Deligne's conjecture
  • 19 March
    ⤳ from 12 March
  • 26 March
    ⤳ from 19 March
  • 2 April
    ⤳ from 26 March
  • 9 April
    ⤳ from 2 April
  • 30 July
    A short operadic proof of the Baez-Dolan stabilization hypothesis
  • 20 Feburary
    h-monoidal model categories and left properness
  • 1 May
    When the category of algebras of a polynomial monad can not have a transferred model structure
  • 27 June
    Polynomial monads and symmetric monoidal categories
  • 8 August
    Algebraic adjunctions and their applications
  • 9 Feburary
    Tamarkin complex as many object Hochschild complex
  • 16 Feburary
    ⤳ from 9 Feburary
  • 23 Feburary
    ⤳ from 16 Feburary
  • 2 March
    ⤳ from 23 Feburary
  • 9 March
    ⤳ from 2 March
  • 23 March
    Duoidal center and duoidal Deligne's conjecture
  • 8 June
    Thoughts about Swiss-Cheese
  • 31 August
    A unified approach for transferring model structures on monoids, n-operads and symmetric operads
  • 30 November
    Nontrivial relations between transferring and localization of model structures
  • 7 December
    ⤳ from 30 November
  • 25 August
    What is endomorphism operad?
  • 25 March
    Higher braided operads and the stabilisation hypothesis (abs)
  • 27 May
    On tensor product of A_{∞}-categories, E_n-algebras and higher categories (abs)
  • 3 June
    n-Multitensors and symmetric multitensors (abs)
  • 7 October
    Monoid axiom and model structure for operads (abs)
  • 9 December
    On natural operations on Hochschild complex
  • 13 August
    Locally constant n-operads as higher braided operads
  • 20 August
    ⤳ from 13 August
  • 7 November
    Cocrossed cosimplicial groups and the Deligne conjecture
  • 1 Feburary
    Internal algebras of cartesian monads
  • 1 March
    More about complementary orders and configuration spaces
  • 26 July
    What do DG-categories form? (after Tamarkin) (abs)
  • 2 August
    The funny tensor product and DG-categories
  • 23 Feburary
    Categorical Getzler-Jones operad
  • 2 March
    ⤳ from 23 Feburary
  • 30 March
    Operadic compactification
  • 15 June
    E_n-operads: a street directory
  • 22 June
    ⤳ from 15 June
  • 5 October
    Coherence for n-fold loop spaces explicitly (work in progress)
  • 23 November
    Complementary orders and n-fold loop spaces
  • 11 Feburary
    Lax monoids and configuration spaces
  • 18 Feburary
    ⤳ from 11 Feburary
  • 26 May
    A_∞ n-categories
  • 27 October
    Opetopes and polynomial functors
  • 26 Feburary
    Internal operads and iterated monoidal categories
  • 5 March
    ⤳ from 26 Feburary
  • 6 August
    On some properties of free operad construction
  • 15 October
    Does an E_n-analogue of Stasheff's operad exist?
  • 23 January
    Operadic suspension and n-fold lax monoidal categories
  • 6 Feburary
    Operadic suspension, n-operads and symmetric operads
  • 6 March
    Combinatorics of internal n-operads
  • 12 June
    Q_n operads
  • 7 August
    One example of an n-operad with its n-suspension being E_n-operad
  • 21 August
    Computads and slices of operads
  • 18 December
    Coherence for n-fold loop spaces
  • 21 March
    On the Pénon method of weakening algebraic structures
  • 20 June
    Higher dimensional homotopical algebra and Deligne's conjecture
  • 11 July
    Contractible multitensors of higher dimensional structures
  • 18 July
    1-operads versus nonsymmetric operads: two universal examples
  • 19 December
    Computads, Eckmann-Hilton argument and operadic suspension
  • 5 April
    Operad of shuffle polytopes
  • 10 March
    Informal discussion on homotopy 4-types
  • 19 May
    Cooperative games, permutoresultohedra and 4-D coherence
  • 22 September
    Pénon's 5-minute definition of weak ω-category
  • 18 March
    How to define an operad by generators and relations (abs)
  • 10 June
    Some properties of generalized computads
  • 25 November
    Iterated localization for operads and the n-categorical tensor product problem (abs)
  • 2 December
    ⤳ from 25 November
  • 21 May
    Finitary monads on globular sets and notions of computad they generate (abs)
  • 22 October
    Montreal's progress in weak categories (notes on Joyal's and Hermida's talks and Joyal-Street's conversations) (abs)
  • 29 October
    ⤳ from 22 October
  • 31 July
    On the definition of weak n-categories (abs)
  • 14 August
    ⤳ from 31 July
  • 28 August
    ⤳ from 14 August (abs)
  • 4 September
    2-operads and bicategories (abs)
  • 23 October
    Monoidal globular categories as a natural environment for the theory of weak n-categories (abs)
  • 30 October
    Coherence for monoidal globular categories (abs)
  • 6 November
    Higher order operads and their algebras from the point of view of the theory of monoidal globular categories (abs)