Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Richard Garner at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 28 Feburary
    The free monoidal differential modality (abs)
  • 10 July
    What I did on my holidays
  • 14 August
    Powerset and Vietoris, universally (abs)
  • 11 September
    Isotropy Groups (abs)
  • 1 Feburary
    Perspectives on V (abs)
  • 22 Feburary
    Centralisers, centres and all that (abs)
  • 17 May
    Some recherche monoidal structures (abs)
  • 26 July
    Volterra series (abs)
  • 13 April
    Bisimulation versus trace equivalence (abs)
  • 8 June
    Varieties of [B|M]-sets (abs)
  • 15 June
    ⤳ from 8 June
  • 22 June
    The topological behaviour category of an algebraic theory (abs)
  • 5 Feburary
    A view on codifferential categories (abs)
  • 8 April
    Tensor products of models and comodels in computer science (abs)
  • 6 May
    Continuous functions on streams (abs)
  • 13 May
    Probabilistic automata as comodels in models (abs)
  • 17 June
    The dependently typed update monad (abs)
  • 22 July
    Completeness for comodels (abs)
  • 12 August
    Categories of comodels (abs)
  • 30 September
    Cartesian closed varieties (abs)
  • 14 October
    ⤳ from 30 September (abs)
  • 11 November
    ⤳ from 14 October (abs)
  • 6 Feburary
    J–T, V, L and F (abs)
  • 13 March
    Inner automorphisms of groupoids (abs)
  • 9 May
    Cartesian differential categories as skew-enriched categories (abs)
  • 19 June
    Topos theoretic aspects of self-similarity (abs)
  • 26 June
    Fixpoint toposes (abs)
  • 7 August
    The free tangent category on an object with affine connection (abs)
  • 28 August
    Parametric right adjoint functors and polynomials (abs)
  • 25 September
    Relative extensivity, multicategories and topological spaces (abs)
  • 20 November
    Comonads and enrichment (abs)
  • 21 Feburary
  • 7 March
    The Giry tricocycloid (abs)
  • 4 April
    Operadic categories and decalage (abs)
  • 18 April
    The locally connected classifying topos (abs)
  • 29 August
    Polynomial monads as fibred PROPs (abs)
  • 12 September
    The Vietoris monad via weak distributive laws (abs)
  • 24 October
    Hypernormalisation and linear exponential monads (abs)
  • 14 November
    The disintegration operadic category (abs)
  • 5 December
    Unary operadic categories and discrete decomposition spaces (abs)
  • 22 Feburary
    Chu spaces and the funny tensor product (abs)
  • 10 May
    A practical introduction to weighted limits (abs)
  • 2 August
    Ultraproducts, ultraspans and ultracategories (abs)
  • 13 September
    Monads and theories (abs)
  • 18 October
    A new and improved embedding theorem for tangent categories (abs)
  • 22 November
    (Co)localisation of one-dimensional model structures (abs)
  • 24 Feburary
    The model bicategory of model categories
  • 9 March
    Ultrafilters, restriction categories and "Maschke's lemma"
  • 1 June
    Monads extending from Set to Rel
  • 22 June
    Right properness of simplicial sets a la arXiv:1510.00669
  • 29 June
    Mixed opwreaths and coherence spaces
  • 20 July
    Non-standard arities
  • 1 September
    Generalised Lawvere theories via enrichment
  • 5 October
    In search of a terminal biring
  • 21 January
    An efficient construction of the orientals
  • 1 April
    How not to enrich over a duoidal category
  • 8 April
    Remarks on crossed internal categories in toposes
  • 29 April
    When coproducts are biproducts
  • 13 May
    The Campbell–Baker–Hausdorff adjunction
  • 20 May
    Synthetic differentiation of species
  • 8 July
    An embedding theorem for tangent categories
  • 29 July
    Shapely monads and analytic functors on presheaf categories
  • 5 August
    ⤳ from 29 July
  • 12 August
    ⤳ from 5 August
  • 2 September
    ⤳ from 12 August
  • 30 September
    Toric varieties and manifolds a la Grandis–Cockett
  • 12 Feburary
    Remarks on Catalan sets
  • 26 Feburary
    Ordinal notation
  • 5 March
    More ordinal notation
  • 16 April
    Reedy categories, Grothendieck fibrations, and the Isbell envelope
  • 7 May
    The Isbell monad
  • 13 August
    Re-revisiting the nerve theorem
  • 27 August
    The formal theory of monads 1.5
  • 24 September
    The uniform family approach to realizability toposes
  • 8 October
    Fibred lex colimits
  • 22 October
    ⤳ from 8 October
  • 12 November
    Quasicategorical lalis, with applications to quasicategorical limits and colimits, Grothendieck fibrations, Kan extensions, and so on
  • 3 December
    Homological lalis
  • 3 December
    ⤳ from 3 December
  • 10 December
    Dendroidal resolution of dg-operads
  • 20 March
    Cofibrant simplicial sets
  • 3 April
    More on cofibrant simplicial sets
  • 1 May
    Finitary monads, Lawvere theories, and Cauchy completion
  • 8 May
    ⤳ from 1 May
  • 15 May
    Expository remarks on fat orthogonal reflection
  • 19 June
    Topological = total
  • 26 June
    ⤳ from 19 June
  • 31 July
    Expository remarks on Dedekind–Mac Neille–Isbell–Lambek completion
  • 2 October
    Combinatorial structure of type dependency
  • 16 October
    ⤳ from 2 October
  • 23 October
    ⤳ from 16 October
  • 30 October
    Universal properties of Poly(E)
  • 6 November
    ⤳ from 30 October
  • 11 December
    Reedy remarks
  • 18 January
    Une catéade, qu'est-ce que c'est? (abs)
  • 25 January
    ⤳ from 18 January
  • 21 March
    Regular 2-categories (abs)
  • 28 March
    ⤳ from 21 March
  • 4 April
    ⤳ from 28 March
  • 18 April
    The so-exact completion of a 2-category (abs)
  • 2 May
    The fformal theory of monads (abs)
  • 18 July
    Monads that extend from Set to Rel
  • 10 October
    T-multicategories and their morphisms, for T a 2-monad on Cat which extends to Prof, characterised, under mild side conditions, as the Eilenberg-Moore category for the lax morphism classifier comonad on T-Alg_s
  • 17 October
    ⤳ from 10 October
  • 24 October
    ⤳ from 17 October
  • 31 October
    ⤳ from 24 October
  • 5 December
    Remarks on comprehensive factorisation
  • 12 December
    ⤳ from 5 December
  • 16 Feburary
    Lex colimits
  • 23 Feburary
    ⤳ from 16 Feburary
  • 23 March
    Stone Duality
  • 30 March
    What I did on my holidays
  • 6 April
    Introduction to type theory
  • 13 April
    ⤳ from 6 April
  • 20 April
    ⤳ from 13 April
  • 11 May
    The Schanuel topos
  • 15 June
    1001 characterisations of pie
  • 29 June
    On "On the essentially algebraic theory generated by a sketch"
  • 27 July
    Restriction categories as enriched categories
  • 3 August
    Categories in which effective descent = regular epimorphism
  • 10 August
    A somewhat malleable proof that finite limits commute with filtered colimits
  • 24 August
    A characterisation of algebraic exactness
  • 14 September
    Three flavours of pie
  • 12 October
    Yes, you, too, could have invented plethysm
  • 9 November
    Weighted limits
  • 23 November
    Pushouts characteristic of the pretopos
  • 14 December
    More Mal'cev musings
  • 21 December
    ⤳ from 14 December
  • 10 Feburary
    Something for everyone
  • 21 July
    Simplicial Homotopies
  • 11 August
    Extremely elementary group cohomology
  • 1 September
  • 15 September
    Abstractly analysing analyticity
  • 22 September
    ⤳ from 15 September
  • 6 October
    Revisiting the nerve theorem
  • 20 October
    ⤳ from 6 October
  • 8 December
    Type theory, weak ω-categories, and all that
  • 28 October
    Ionads: a generalisation of the notion of topological space
  • 18 November
    ⤳ from 28 October
  • 9 December
    Weak maps
  • 16 December
    Presentations of factorisation systems