Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Alexander Campbell at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 10 July
    Relative limits as weighted limits (abs)
  • 24 July
    Two models for equipment-enriched category theory (abs)
  • 3 March
    The model category of distinguished Gray-categories (abs)
  • 24 March
    A convenient model category for tricategories (abs)
  • 7 April
    ⤳ from 24 March
  • 28 April
    What is a homotopy epimorphism? (abs)
  • 26 May
    On weighted homotopy limits in Kan-enriched categories (abs)
  • 16 June
    On homotopy coherent natural transformations (abs)
  • 7 July
    ⤳ from 16 June
  • 14 July
    ⤳ from 7 July
  • 15 September
    What is a stable ∞-category? (abs)
  • 13 October
    What is an ∞-topos? (abs)
  • 17 June
    The folk model structure for double categories (abs)
  • 29 July
    Straightening a la Joyal (abs)
  • 14 October
    A model-independent construction of the Gray monoidal structure for (∞,2)-categories (abs)
  • 16 December
    How nice is the category of condensed sets? (abs)
  • 16 May
    A counterexample in quasi-category theory (abs)
  • 5 June
    2-quasi-categories vs Segal 2-categories (abs)
  • 28 August
    Equivalences of complicial sets (abs)
  • 4 September
    ⤳ from 28 August
  • 9 October
    Joyal's cylinder conjecture (abs)
  • 16 October
    ⤳ from 9 October
  • 30 October
    ⤳ from 16 October
  • 6 November
    ⤳ from 30 October
  • 24 January
    A homotopy coherent cellular nerve for bicategories (abs)
  • 14 Feburary
    Change of base for enriched model categories (abs)
  • 21 March
    Fiat lax (abs)
  • 9 May
    Joyal's model structure for quasi-categories is symmetric simplicial (abs)
  • 30 May
    Bicategories vs Rezk's weak 2-categories (abs)
  • 6 June
    ⤳ from 30 May
  • 15 August
    The model category of algebraically cofibrant 2-categories (abs)
  • 15 August
    ⤳ from 15 August
  • 22 August
    A skeleton key to Lurie's higher Grothendieck constructions (abs)
  • 19 September
    On truncated quasi-categories (abs)
  • 26 September
    The fundamental theorem of n-quasi-category theory (abs)
  • 24 October
    ⤳ from 19 September
  • 7 November
    The cubical enrichment of Cisinski model categories (abs)
  • 29 March
    How strict is strictification?
  • 26 April
    Skew categories, skew actegories
  • 21 June
    Enriched weak algebraic factorization systems (abs)
  • 28 June
    ⤳ from 21 June
  • 9 August
    Skew-proactegories (abs)
  • 27 September
    The 2-stack of stacks (abs)
  • 11 October
    How strict is strictification? redux (abs)
  • 1 November
    Strictification of indexed bicategories (abs)
  • 9 March
    A slightly incoherent approach to 2-stacks
  • 16 March
    ⤳ from 9 March
  • 13 October
    A factorisation system for indexed pseudofunctors
  • 19 October
    Verdier's hypercovering theorem in higher topos theory
  • 23 September
    Higher categorical foundations of non-abelian cohomology
  • 7 October
    ⤳ from 23 September
  • 14 October
    ⤳ from 7 October
  • 14 May
    Parity complexes redux
  • 11 June
    ⤳ from 14 May
  • 19 November
    Combinatorial aspects of higher-dimensional algebra