Australian Category Seminar

Well-formed simplicial sets

Michael Johnson·11 June 1986

This talk presented an alternative description of Street's orientals. The description is geometric. The elements of the orientals turn out to be certain simplicial sets. A finite n-dimensional simplicial set A is called compatible if for x, y \in X_n, x i\partial_i; = y j\partial_j, i+j even, implies x=y. A compatible simplicial set is "sensibly oriented" at its top dimension. To analyze its lower dimensions we define the domain and codomain of a simplicial set. If A is an n-dimensional simplicial set, x \in A is called an end of A if there exists y An\in A_n, {a_0, a_1, ... a_k } even integers a_0 < a_1 ... < a_k with x = y akak1a0\partial_{a_k} \partial_{a_{k - 1}} \cdots \partial_{a_0} (composing a la Eilenberg). The graded set of ends of A is denoted by EA). The domain of A is by definition, A-E(A). Similarly for the codomain of A (odd integers). Well formed simplicial sets are defined inductively: A zero dimensional well formed simplicial set is a singleton; an n-dimensional simplicial set is well formed if it's compatible and its domain and codomain are well formed simplicial sets. The collection of well formed simplicial sets form an ω\omega-catecgory (with union as composition).
