Australian Category Seminar

Banach algebras as enriched categories

Barry Jay·5 March 1986

A normed abelian group (A, )(A, |\ |) is an abelian group A together with a monoidal functor   ⁣:AR+|\ | \colon A \to R^+ (see Lawvere's Metric Spaces paper) (ie a+ba+b|a + b| \leq |a| + |b|, 00|0| \leq 0) satisfying further a=a|-a| = |a|. Morphisms of these are norm-reducing group homomorphisms. The category is called Nab. Theorem 1: There is a forgetful fusctor U:NabMetU : Nab - Met (= Metric spaces) which is monadic. Proof: F(x,d)=(FX, )F(x,d)=(F'X, |\ |) where FXF'X is the free abelian group in X. The norm is generated by xy=d(xy)|x-y| = d(xy). □ A normed R-algebra is an R-algebra R together with an abelian group norm satisfying xyx.y|xy| \leq |x| . |y|, rxr.x|rx| \leq |r| . |x| rRr \in R, 11|1| \leq 1. The morphisms are norm-reducing R-algebra homomorphisms; the category is NR+NR^+alg. Theorem 2: NRNR-alg → Met is monadic. By cauchy-completing we get the corollary that Banach algebras are monadic over complete metric spaces.
