Australian Category Seminar

Uniqueness theorems for dg enhancements

Amnon Neemanยท3 Feburary 2021

The talk will begin by reminding the audience what are dg enhancements of triangulated categories, and what it means for a triangulated category to have a unique enhancement. Then we will survey about three decades of results on the subject, with the last decade being especially active. And finally we will go into some depth to describe recent progress, which is joint work with Alberto Canonaco and Paolo Stellari.

The talk will attempt to explain the key ideas that went into the recent progress.The talk will begin by reminding the audience what are dg enhancements of triangulated categories, and what it means for a triangulated category to have a unique enhancement. Then we will survey about three decades of results on the subject, with the last decade being especially active. And finally we will go into some depth to describe recent progress, which is joint work with Alberto Canonaco and Paolo Stellari.

The talk will attempt to explain the key ideas that went into the recent progress.
