Australian Category Seminar

A distributive law for modular operads

Sophie Raynorยท1 July 2020

The combinatorics of modular operads are governed by undirected graphs of arbitrary genus, and are therefore significantly more complex than those of ordinary operads. I'll discuss a very general notion of modular operad - essentially the compact symmetric multicategories of Joyal and Kock - for which the combination of the contraction operation with a unital operadic composition presents particular challenges for constructing a suitable nerve.

In this talk, I'll break down the issues and sketch a construction of a composite monad for modular operads. The decomposition enables us to apply Weber's nerve machinery to obtain a fully faithful nerve. Perhaps more importantly, the combinatorics of modular operads - and especially the tricky bits - are made fully explicit. This provides a roadmap for generalising results to this setting, and for further generalising the setting itself, and I'll indicate some of these new directions.
