Australian Category Seminar
Here is a list of all talks by Thorsten Palm at the Australian
Category Seminar.
6 April
A polytopic approach to (fairly) general infinity-computads
4 May
Dendrotopic sets, encore: composition and representability
11 May
⤳ from 4 May
18 May
⤳ from 11 May
25 May
⤳ from 18 May
6 July
More on categories of extensions
21 December
Categories with slicing and their sites
8 September
Dendrotopic sets for weak ω-categories
15 September
⤳ from 8 September
6 October
Categories with a slice-category construction as categories of certain set-valued functor
20 October
⤳ from 6 October
15 December
Polytopes viewed differently