Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Sjoerd Crans at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 7 January
    Two ways to make a braiding into a transfor (abs)
  • 11 Feburary
    Some geometry of 2-categorical k-tensor calculus (abs)
  • 25 March
    Z tensor product for (Gray-Cat)_tensor-categories (abs)
  • 13 May
    What is symmetry again?
  • 24 June
    v^: R^ => R~^
  • 19 August
    The role of teisi in post-modern algebra
  • 5 Feburary
    The combinatorics of higher-dimensional lax natural transformations (abs)
  • 19 Feburary
    On coherent situations (abs)
  • 26 March
    On the nerve of 4-dimensional teisi (abs)
  • 16 April
    Transfors and their localizations (abs)
  • 30 April
    Tensors and transfors (abs)
  • 25 June
    Pasting potpourri (abs)
  • 6 August
    A tensor product of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 20 August
    B tensor product of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 1 October
    C tensor product of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 15 October
    D tensor product of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 5 November
    E tensor product of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 21 August
    Looping and delooping, suspension, the stabilization theorem (abs)
  • 11 September
    Why the centre is the way it is (abs)
  • 16 October
    Some things you always wanted to know about Xy-pic but were afraid to ask
  • 20 November
    Higher dimensional Zamoldchikov (abs)
  • 4 December
    Kassel: Ore, Noether, Gauss (abs)