Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Simona Paoli at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 12 August
    Weak globularity: an overview
  • 19 August
    ⤳ from 12 August
  • 9 September
    Homotopically discrete n-fold categories
  • 16 September
    ⤳ from 9 September
  • 30 September
    Weakly globular pseudo n-fold categories
  • 28 October
    Weakly globular n-fold categories
  • 11 November
    ⤳ from 28 October
  • 2 December
    Segalic pseudo-functors and their strictification
  • 9 December
    Rigidifying weakly globular pseudo n-fold categories
  • 21 May
    André-Quillen cohomology and higher categorical structures
  • 28 March
    Model structures on the category of double categories
  • 7 November
    ⤳ from 28 March
  • 21 November
    ⤳ from 7 November
  • 25 January
    On bicategories and Tamsamani's weak 2-categories
  • 1 Feburary
    ⤳ from 25 January
  • 3 May
    Internal weak n-groupoids
  • 24 May
    ⤳ from 3 May
  • 11 October
    Semistrictification of Tamsamani's weak 3-groupoids: the non path-connected case.
  • 6 July
    From Cat^2-groups to Tamsamani's weak 3-groupoids (abs)
  • 10 August
    ⤳ from 6 July
  • 24 August
    ⤳ from 10 August
  • 5 October
    Semistrict models of connected 3-types and Tamsamani's weak 3-groupoids
  • 30 November
    Strictifying bicategories in Tamsamani's model - work in progress
  • 6 August
    Cat^n-groups in homological and homotopical algebra (abs)
  • 13 August
    ⤳ from 6 August (abs)
  • 20 August
    ⤳ from 13 August (abs)
  • 3 September
    Operadic aspects of crossed modules of algebras: Report on recent work of Baues-Minian-Richter
  • 10 September
    Comparing homotopy models (abs)
  • 17 September
    ⤳ from 10 September
  • 22 October
    Operads, algebras and (co)homology
  • 19 November
    Operadic crossed n-cubes of algebras