Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Philip Hackney at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 21 Feburary
    Maps of undirected graphs
  • 14 March
    ⤳ from 21 Feburary
  • 16 May
    Dwyer-Kan homotopy theory for cyclic operads (abs)
  • 18 July
    Model structures and categories of graphs
  • 18 January
    Higher cyclic operads
  • 15 Feburary
    A Reedy category for cyclic operads
  • 17 May
    Higher properads
  • 21 June
    ⤳ from 17 May
  • 23 August
    Flippy sets and dagger categories (abs)
  • 29 November
    Triple adjoints and anti-involutions (abs)