Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Paddy McCrudden at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 1 March
    Opmonoidal monads
  • 11 October
    A characterization theorem for cosemisimple quantum groups (abs)
  • 25 October
    ⤳ from 11 October
  • 1 November
    ⤳ from 25 October
  • 4 Feburary
    A tensor product for V-actegories (abs)
  • 29 July
    Snapshots of four conferences (abs)
  • 16 September
    Tannaka duality for Maschkean categories (abs)
  • 15 January
    Descent (abs)
  • 21 May
    A characterization of the image of Comod: Coalg(R) → Cat/(R-Mod) (abs)
  • 3 September
    Linearly recursive sequences, braided hopf algebras and ring (abs)
  • 24 September
    Quantum groups in V (abs)
  • 26 November
    A characterization of the image of Comod (abs)
  • 6 November
    From the good book (Quantum Groups by Kassels) (abs)