Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Micah Blake McCurdy at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 9 March
    When is a Frobenius monoidal functor a Frobenius monoid? (abs)
  • 16 March
    Differential Restriction Categories
  • 30 March
    ⤳ from 16 March
  • 10 Feburary
    Weak Hopf algebras in star-autonomous categories
  • 10 March
    Cyclic Structures on braided linearly distributive categories and tortile structures
  • 19 May
    Cyclicity is the appropriate commutativity for the passage from V to V-prof (abs)
  • 21 January
    Every planar *-autonomous diagram commutes
  • 18 March
    Graphical calculus for bicategories (abs)
  • 1 April
    The Tannaka construction in general monoidal categories (abs)
  • 5 August
    Weak morphisms of weak Hopf algebras (abs)
  • 9 September
    Some examples of weak Hopf algebras (abs)
  • 11 November
    Connectedness and acyclicity in string diagrams and proof nets (abs)
  • 18 November
    ⤳ from 11 November
  • 25 November
    ⤳ from 18 November
  • 12 March
    Cyclic structures on *-autonomous categories (abs)
  • 9 April
    When is a linearly distributive category pivotal? (abs)
  • 11 June
    Cyclic structures on functor categories
  • 6 August
    Taking profunctors preserves pseudo-cyclicity (abs)
  • 27 August
    Hopf objects in monoidal catgories and their categories of representations (abs)
  • 29 October
    The Tannaka-Krein reconstruction of a separable Frobenius functor is a weak Hopf algebra (abs)
  • 24 October
    Coherence and canonical isomorphisms in tensor categories