Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Max Kelly at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 22 January
    Monoidal functors generated by adjunctions
  • 14 May
    A further generalization of the Kelly-Lack work on monoidal functors generated by adjunctions
  • 9 July
    A lemma on 2-naturality with applications to enriched monads
  • 20 March
    An adjunction in the context of monoidal categories
  • 15 May
    The 2-category of D-algebras, lax morphisms, and modifications: some of its properties established in Blackwell's 1976 thesis, but now provided with elementary proofs replacing the use of Gray's op-quasi-adjunctions
  • 22 May
    Limits in the category of algebras and lax morphisms
  • 28 August
    Transport of structure along equivalences, with applications
  • 27 November
    Adjunctions in a 2-category and applications to transport of structure
  • 31 January
    A tentative consideration of clubs based on cospans
  • 11 April
    Comments on free bicompletions
  • 2 May
    The new Barr preprint on derived functors without projectives
  • 28 November
    Why local boundedness is a useful notion
  • 1 March
    A note on actions of a monoidal category
  • 3 May
    Central extensions in Mal'tsev varieties (joint work with George Janelidze)
  • 6 September
    A note on actions of a monoidal category
  • 11 October
    New observations on some reflexions arising from an action of a monoidal category
  • 6 December
    On completion of monoidal closed categories
  • 3 Feburary
    Single-space homology axioms
  • 10 Feburary
    The use of the pseudo-limit of an arrow in simplifying the work on monadicity of Steve Lack and GMK
  • 24 March
    Objects in two categories and monoidal closed structures
  • 21 April
    Some happy new insights into base-change for categories enriched over bicategories
  • 29 September
    On proving the faithfulness of monad-morphisms
  • 13 October
    Further thoughts on comparing monads
  • 10 November
    Thoughts on transport of structure for 2-monads
  • 14 January
    On free (enriched) categories with a class of colimits
  • 18 March
    The canonical enrichment of a category
  • 4 November
    New results on the monadicity of categories with limits over graphs
  • 11 November
    ⤳ from 4 November
  • 25 November
    ⤳ from 11 November
  • 16 December
    Polyads, locally-bounded categories, and monadicity
  • 5 March
    ⤳ from 2 October 1996
  • 23 April
    The 2-category of equipments and adjunctions therein
  • 7 May
    ⤳ from 23 April
  • 6 August
    A general notion of accessibility
  • 13 August
    ⤳ from 6 August
  • 27 August
    ⤳ from 13 August
  • 10 September
    ⤳ from 27 August
  • 24 September
    ⤳ from 10 September
  • 29 October
    On recent joint work with Adamek
  • 2 October
    For which classes L of limits is the forgetful functor from the category of L-complete categories and L-continuous functors to the category of graphs and graph-morphisms a monadic functor? (abs)
  • 16 October
    ⤳ from 2 October