Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by John Power at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 1 May
    A Binding Calculation (abs)
  • 25 May
    Substitution and binders: a story of pseudo-monads (abs)
  • 15 June
    Two questions about binders (abs)
  • 29 June
    A general notion of sketch (abs)
  • 1 April
    Data refinement in a categorical setting: enrichment in a non-symmetric monoidal biclosed category (abs)
  • 15 April
    Adequacy for algebraic effects (abs)
  • 29 April
    State: a story of hidden structure (abs)
  • 27 May
    Indexed Lawvere theories for local state (abs)
  • 13 November
    The finitary monad-Lawvere theory correspondence (abs)
  • 25 August
    Theorem proving in logic programming: embracing the laxness