Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Bryce Clarke at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 29 June
    The right-connected completion (abs)
  • 17 Feburary
    What's so nice about the category of lenses? (abs)
  • 28 April
    Lenses as coalgebras for a comonad (abs)
  • 22 September
    The double category of generalised lenses (abs)
  • 27 October
    Enriched lenses (abs)
  • 26 August
    Lenses as algebras for a monad (abs)
  • 30 September
    Lax double functors into Span-like double categories (abs)
  • 28 October
    Cofunctors, monoids, and split epimorphisms (abs)
  • 2 December
    Generalising fibrations via multi-valued functions
  • 21 August
    Symmetric lenses as Mealy morphisms (abs)
  • 25 September
    ⤳ from 21 August
  • 27 November
    Internal split opfibrations, lenses, and decalage (abs)
  • 21 November
    Internal lenses (abs)