Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Alexei Davydov at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 14 December
    Deformation cohomology of tensor categories and extensions (abs)
  • 19 December
    Purely braided module categories (abs)
  • 7 January
    Lagrangian Algebras in Braided Categories
  • 17 December
    All things modular: categories, data and invariants
  • 19 December
    Quasi-annihilators for module categories (abs)
  • 13 January
    Centre Of An Algebra
  • 10 June
    Schur-Weyl duality
  • 4 November
    Operads, algebras, modules and tensor products
  • 14 May
    Commutative algebras in modular categories and modular invariants
  • 28 May
    ⤳ from 14 May
  • 29 October
    Modular categories
  • 12 November
    ⤳ from 29 October
  • 24 January
    Nuclei, bits and pieces
  • 18 April
    Dijkgraaf-Witten topological field theory
  • 18 July
    Fusion rule of modular invariants for simple current CFT
  • 25 January
    Chording and Lie algebras
  • 15 Feburary
    Vassiliev invariants of links
  • 5 April
    Symmetries of chorded categories
  • 12 April
    ⤳ from 5 April
  • 26 April
    ⤳ from 12 April
  • 20 September
    Composing monoidal auto-equivalences (abs)
  • 13 December
    Duality for outer actions
  • 2 March
    Adding duals
  • 4 May
    Free braided monoidal 2-categories
  • 11 May
    ⤳ from 4 May
  • 31 August
    A categorical approach to Maslov index
  • 26 October
    More on Frobenius algebras
  • 30 November
    Infinitesimal braiding
  • 7 December
    Categorical operads
  • 21 January
    Quasi-commutative monoids
  • 25 Feburary
    ⤳ from 21 January
  • 3 March
    On separable algebras
  • 12 May
    Balanced monoids in balanced monoidal categories
  • 22 September
    On 2-vector spaces
  • 20 October
    Representations of categorical groups
  • 29 January
    Grothendieck-Teichmuller group as symmetries of operads
  • 19 Feburary
    A_infinity-algebras and Hochschild cohomology
  • 19 March
    A_n-algebras and Hochschild cohomology
  • 7 May
    Compositions of A_∞-homotopies
  • 14 May
    ⤳ from 7 May
  • 28 May
    ⤳ from 14 May
  • 4 June
    Braids and symplectic spaces II
  • 1 October
    Gerstenhaber homotopy and braiding in a monoidal category
  • 29 October
    λ-ring of semisimple algebras
  • 6 Feburary
    Homological algebra in monoidal categories
  • 13 Feburary
    ⤳ from 6 Feburary
  • 15 May
    Homological algebra in monoidal categories II. Deformation theory
  • 7 August
    Loop structure on the categories of extensions
  • 14 August
    Symmetry of 6j-symbols
  • 21 August
    R-matrices from categorical point of view
  • 30 October
    Braids and symplectic spaces
  • 20 November
    Obstruction to associativity
  • 7 Feburary
    K-theory of braided categories; Gerstenhaber and Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras
  • 7 March
    Twisting of monoidal structures
  • 6 June
    Homology of associative algebras: Hochschild, Gerstenhaber, Deligne, Kontsevich ...
  • 26 September
    Associative centres of incoherent monoidal categories
  • 31 October
    On higher products
  • 29 November
    Monoidal categories and finite groups
  • 16 June
    Hochschild homology classes of fusion algebras