Australian Category Seminar

Here is a list of all talks by Adrian Miranda at the Australian Category Seminar.
  • 21 Feburary
    The Elementary Theory of the 2-Category of Small Categories (abs)
  • 8 March
    Towards pasting in, and presentations of, semi-strict low dimensional higher categories with weak interchange (abs)
  • 5 April
    Tricategorical limits and colimits (abs)
  • 12 April
    ⤳ from 5 April
  • 30 August
    Opmonoidal pseudomonads (abs)
  • 6 September
    ⤳ from 30 August
  • 23 March
    Abstract Kleisli Structures (abs)
  • 27 July
    Semi-strictness in three-dimensional category theory and a (non-monoidal) closed structure on the category of Gray-categories (abs)
  • 3 August
    ⤳ from 27 July (abs)
  • 10 August
    Comparing enrichment contexts on Gray-Cat (abs)
  • 31 August
    Progress towards semi-strictification for tetracategories (abs)
  • 8 September
    Kleisli Constructions on Simplicial sets and Quasi-categories (abs)
  • 20 October
    Kleisli Constructions for Pseudomonads (abs)
  • 14 September
    The decalage comonads and their restrictions (abs)
  • 21 November
    Internal categories (abs)